Monday 28 April 2014

Guilty Crown Series1 Part 2 Short Review

5 stars for the final installment of this glorious animation.Guilty Crown 2 Cover
The usual spoiler warning applies, this is Part 2 so you should check out Guilty Crown Part 1 first!
Following the tense ending of the first part, with Inori's kidnapping by the mysterious youngster who Gai calls Death, Shu teleports to the Crystal Tower that was once GHQ headquarters to rescue her from Death and Shuichiro.
Guilty Crown 2 Shu and ManaOn the way, he is told by "Death" that he must remember his past before he can continue. In a flashback, Shu remembers himself and his sister Mana finding a young boy washed up on a beach. Unable to remember his own name, the siblings decided to call him Triton. They were all raised together by their parents and he eventually grew up to become Gai.
Guilty Crown 2 Shu and InoriIt is revealed to him that Mana was in fact "Eve", the first human to come into contact with the Apocalypse virus, who, with the help of a chosen "Adam", could spread the virus worldwide. When Shu turned down her advances, she channeled her rage into what became known as Lost Christmas, when Tokyo was almost lost to the virus.
Read the rest of our review over at Road Rash Reviews.

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