Tuesday 18 February 2014

Magi-The Labyrinth of Magic Series1 Part1 Short Review

4 Stars for the Magi in Need of friends.

This series is set around the premise of the old tales of the Arabian Nights.
magi1coverThe series is charming and very well animated with beautiful backdrops and great fight sequences but this is another one of those anime series that I think the BBFC misunderstand.

This has a classification of 12 but through the whole series there are visual references to prostitution, slavery, mindless cruelty, domestic violence, nudity and breast fetish (male or female).
magiugo1Do not get me wrong, this is a great series and I highly recommend it, just be aware of the cultural differences in classification.
Aladdin is a young boy, (around 13) who has lived his life locked away in seclusion, his only company is a giant blue person called Ugo, who tells Aladdin that he can grant him one wish.
Ugo grants him his wish and he is freed from his imprisonment and he takes his naivety out into the world of sun and cruelty.
magialibabaNow carrying a metal flute with a strange 8 pointed star upon it, hung around his neck, he finds a cart full of lush fruit and he starts to feed his hunger.
This ruins all of Alibaba’s hard work, as he works for the local Lord Jamil to supply the house hold with goods for his parties.
Scolded for his troubles Aladdin and Alibaba are thrown together much to the annoyance of Alibaba who has dreams of becoming a Dungeon Capturer, as this would bestow him with great wealth.

For the Full Review Please Click Road Rash Reviews

Available to Buy on DVD and Blu-ray From 24th Feb.

1 comment:

  1. Magi the Labyrinth of Magic is a fantastic series. I love what I've seen so far, and can't wait for more episodes!
