Friday 9 May 2014

Ninja: Shadow of a Tear Short Blu-ray Review

4 Stars of Revenge by Ninja

From the master of fight films Isaac Florentine, (Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing)brings us a man on the path of revenge, with more kicks, punches and sword fight per minute than I can recall, the speed of the fight scenes are amazing to watch and leave you breathless by the end of them
njalucasnjacoverRevenge is best served by bare feet is my motto for this excellent marshal arts film, seeing the return of Casey Bowman, (Scott Adkins, The Bourne Ultimatum) running his Koga Dojo and demonstrating his Ninjitsu skills with his beautiful wife Namiko, (Mika Hijii, Alien vs Ninja) who is carrying his unborn child.
Happy in love and his life Casey goes shopping for a present for Namiko, he buys her a beautiful "Happiness" pendant, whilst paying for the present he spots two unsavoury types lollygagging outside the shop.
njaattackLeaving the shop Casey realises that he is being followed and takes evasive action but due to another person he is spotted and the two assailants confront him and he freely offers them his wallet, but they want the expensive pendant as well, but they cannot have it, so they try to take it by knife point.
This is when we get to see the fast and furious fight scenes with the assailants using triple kicks a tell-tale sign of the Dojo they come from, finally defeated he spots an insignia on the hilt of their knives.

For the Full review please click Road Rash Reviews
Available to Buy on Blu-ray and DVD on the 12th May.

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