Wednesday 5 March 2014

Nura: Rise of thje Yokai Clan Season 2 Part 1 Shoprt DVD Review

4 Star anime of Spirits versus Human versus Spirits versus Spirits.

Based on the successful manga by Hiroshi Shiibashi.
Beautifully drawn and animated, this is a series that grips and holds on. I will be getting the first series for sure.
One for the DVD Collection.
nura1rikuo1This is the tale of young master Rikuo Nura as he plays at the family's ancient clan headquarters, playing pranks on the people that live there. At 8 years old he doesn't have much to worry him apart from the memory of seeing his father killed by a mysterious young girl.

What he regards as normal is not what the rest of the country regard as normal. As he attends school a classmate gives a speech on how Yokai eat children's livers and send them to hell.
Rikuo protests their innocence but this mainly falls on mocking ears.

For the full review please click Road Rash Reviews

Available to Buy on DVD 10th March

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